Can we delete such undocumented type of relations "collection" ? since it is breaking the rule "relations are not categories" ? (and plz don't close questions starting with "What do you think ..." without checking the question) |
As always don't simply delete the object. First try to contact the author and give him or her some time to react. Especially in this case as these relations don't do any harm. Try to understand the intention of the author and try to correct mistakes instead of deleting them. Furthermore there is also the site relation type. Although never approved it is the fifth most used relation type and in my opinion shares some similarities with a collection. The first relation you mentioned can be easily converted to a site relation by just changing the type. The second one doesn't seem to fit into the site category but could possibly be used as a starting point for a route. 2
I asked the author and his reply is :
(05 Feb '13, 14:45)