I need to project (represent) a defined coordinates, data on a a map as soon as possible ; so I need the following:
If you want to set a single marker (no additional info) on the slippy map, you can use http://m.osmtools.de/ . It's german, unfortunately. The relevant link is in the lower left corner ("Marker setzen"). You click this link, then somewhere on the map. Afterwards, to get a permalink, you click "Permalink (nur Marker)" in the lower right corner. See also this question: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/25/how-do-i-add-a-marker-to-a-map . |
If you want to display one or more markers on a website based map (which you can even drag and zoom) then you should have a look at the libraries leaflet or openlayers ... on their websites there are some examples how to display markers ... in case of doubt do a google-search. Or have a look at Static_map_images found a new one: have a look at http://geojson.io and read its help text. You can draw geometries, display markers according to coordinate tables, overlay GPX or KML data, and finally share your map even privately.
(07 Jun '14, 09:36)
and even more: try http://sharemap.org or http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UMap
(01 Oct '14, 21:51)
How do you want this map? As a PDF or on a webpage? I've actually not seen any good tools to do what you want to do as a PDF.