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I added a whole bunch of ways in the editor and saved all my changes. When in the view mode, my changes do not show. If I go back to the editor, everything I did is there.

I consumed quite a bit of time doing this and I think the changes I made are worth publishing. Is there something I am forgetting to do or, does it take time before the changes are published?

Can anyone help?


asked 01 Feb '13, 21:03

rrpoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you post a permalink here so that we can have a look?

(01 Feb '13, 21:30) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse: The area is not that hard to find using the edit history

(01 Feb '13, 21:56) Tordanik

Your changes look OK - they're just taking a little while to render on the main map. There's a bit more about the process in the FAQ, and there's more of the technical detail (including how to cheat to get things to render quicker) in this help question.

permanent link

answered 01 Feb '13, 22:07

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thank you for your responses. Looks like the updates took place. It just takes a while. I will look at the help links you provided to speed things up a little. One issue I saw was that at zoom level 3 (assuming 1 to be full mag.), my edits never made it into that layer. That was the layer I was looking at all along.

The editor plugin stopped working for me in Chrome after I installed an update from HP to fix a scanner problem (using kUbuntu 12.10). Purged cache, restarted browser, machine, nothing would revive it. I switched to Firefox and things came back to normal. Still, the 3rd layer does not appear to be updated in Firefox as well as in Chrome. This is probably another timing thing or is it?

I guess I'm good to go. I noticed that the boundaries of a neighboring park aren't quite right and that some walking pathes aren't mapped in yet. I will return and make the changes later.


(02 Feb '13, 16:12) rrpoulin

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question asked: 01 Feb '13, 21:03

question was seen: 6,290 times

last updated: 02 Feb '13, 19:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum