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I know there is a plan to import NaPTAN data in to OSM. However, I have noticed some bus stops appearing in my local area (Bedford Borough) that state the source as NaPTAN import. Sadly, some of this data was out of date. Is there a way to get a full import of the data for the 0200 Bedford Borough area.

I ask with a vested interest as I am the data manager for this part of the NaPTAN data set and would like to see it added, especially as I am currently adding bus routes to the system.

I did find a question about NaPTAN imports in the past, but could not find it this time, hence asking the question.

asked 01 Feb '13, 14:49

JJFGB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm not sure what you mean by a plan to import NaPTAN data. In general imports, especially in the UK are subject to a lot of criticism, but in the past NaPTAN data has been imported for areas requested by a local mapper. I have personally surveyed the 1300 bus stops in Hull and found the data was full of errors. I fed that error data back to the council but they didn't seem interested. I started to survey the 2000+ stops in East Yorkshire, but after absolutely no response from the council I lost interest.

OSM is a do-it-yourself community. If you want to use NaPTAN data for your area, do so. The current favoured way is to create an overlay to use in editors so existing data is not trashed or duplicated by an import. If you intend to import the data directly into OSM there are (rightly) many more hoops to jump through than when the original NaPTAN data was imported.

There is now a style of tagging public transport stops, which I feel has some problems. Simply adding a bus stop as a node beside the road is now not universally accepted, though I think it works well.

Someone is always needed to drive any such process in OSM, and you seem to be a perfect person to do so.

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answered 01 Feb '13, 22:14

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 01 Feb '13, 14:49

question was seen: 3,862 times

last updated: 01 Feb '13, 22:14

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