Hello, Since few days I keep receiving spam messages into my OSM Inbox. How do I report them as spam or to block them? |
I put the issue on the wiki. (That page is the first hit when searching for "SPAM" in the wiki. :) ) hth Thank you for adding to Wiki. So for now, there's no simple way to block those messages and report them as spam. I send the user that it's spamming me comments about it but I hit no reply for him. Is there a way to absolute block his messages ? I really don't want his spam message anymore.
(01 Feb '13, 20:01)
You should never reply to spam. Anyway, instead of updating a wiki page that nobody reads, report your problem directly to the OSM admins. I think it is enough painful to escalate. For direct contacts, check this page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/System_Administrators
(04 Feb '13, 11:03)
Pieren, did you have a look at the wiki page at all? Maybe at it's history, too?
(23 Mar '13, 17:27)
The user is keep sending me spam messages. Is there a page where I can report it to block him? I even don't care what's going to happen to him, I just want to block his messages.