Hi, this question (similar) has been asked before, but without proper results. It’s common to erect a pole with a kind of platform on top of it (mostly an old wagonwheel). It’s supposed to carry a storks nest like here at this farm http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.187031&lon=6.197821&zoom=18&layers=M. But theyre build in Germany and France as well, without a specific tag in the German Wiki. Has anyone a good idea or is the tag key = birds nest, value = stork a useable one ? Since they’re all over Europe, erected stork nests, fi along the upper stream of the river Rhine ? |
In general it is not a good idea to map bird nesting sites per se: they are changeable, some are protected by law, and mapping sites may, at the very least, do nothing for OSM's reputation with conservation organisations. Mapping highly visible man-made objects, which are intended to enable birds (or other animals) to nest is different. I would therefore agree with Andy Mackey that something in the In the classic case of storks nest this would then be Hi, thanks, I tagged it http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.061012&lon=5.171264&zoom=18&layers=M, there 2 of them. Change it into artificial_nest or Andy's nesting_site ? Greetz
(19 Mar '13, 20:38)
I've added a few of my scheme here http://osm.org/go/b8op9elIN-- (for storks' nests), and one here http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2210347739 :-)
(19 Mar '13, 21:11)
SK53 ♦
I would suggest under the man made category pole=nesting_site |