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We are looking to roll our own OSM server, and are currently trying to lay down some basic server requirements in terms of disk space and bandwidth usage.

According to the OSM wiki, the full tile-set without pre-rendering is on the order of ~1.7TB.

Looking at network stats for a number of the tile servers, specifically the server, I am getting the following breakdown from the weekly charts:

Apache Accesses/sec = ~105k
Apache Data/sec = ~625kb

So on average, each data access generates ~6.25 b/s. Per day, that works out to 540k bytes/user - seems low though as each map tile is ~30k and just the default map with the settings they use is going to be ~15 tiles... and then they are going to be zooming, panning, etc.

Am I reading these numbers correctly? Can anyone who has rolled their own OSM server confirm these are a good estimate?

asked 28 Jan '13, 16:15

Paul%20Mennega's gravatar image

Paul Mennega
accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jan '13, 16:58

It isn't clear which ressource you are trying to estimate. Disk space ? Total bandwidth ? Bandwidth per user ? Number of connections ?

(28 Jan '13, 16:30) Vincent de P... ♦

Bandwidth/user - we have estimates for the number of users we will have, but trying to figure out how much a typical OSM end-user consumes, thus my calcs above on bytes per user per day.

(28 Jan '13, 16:34) Paul Mennega

@apmon Thanks! Understood on the sheer volume, thus why i am trying to break it down to bandwidth per user. This clarification helps though!

(28 Jan '13, 17:22) Paul Mennega

You are looking at the wrong stats if you want a tile server. Those stats are just for the website without the tiles.

The OSM tileserver is behind a set of 5 reverse proxy servers as a cdn. The stats for the aggregate are at The stats for the actual backend tile server are at But there is a good chance you won't see anything like the traffic on A usefull resource is also

permanent link

answered 28 Jan '13, 17:18

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 28 Jan '13, 16:15

question was seen: 2,789 times

last updated: 28 Jan '13, 18:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum