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I'm new, how can I start to help openstreetmap? I'm in Italy, nearly every day I'm on the road, usually the same streets every day, they are for 50% big roads and for 50% quite not very known streets, in fact these streets there aren't in the map now, how can I insert in the map my streets?? how can I use gps or smartphone to give proper data??

thanks :-) ciao :-) pier

asked 26 Jan '13, 12:58

procuste's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Aug '13, 20:43

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I first would like to welcome you to the OpenStreetMap community. :)

You can start by getting GPS traces while you drive through town. You can use a GPS or Smart phone to capture the gps traces. After you have the traces convert to GPX file format and upload to OSM. You can then fetch the traces from the flash based Potlach editor(built into, JOSM the java one or Merkaartor the Qt / C++ one. You create a new way and trace over your tracks, you can also look at the aerial imagery. You then tag the road with the right tag. highway = "the type of road", and name = "the name of the street" (without the ") and now you have added a new road to OSM. :)

You can trace the roads from your house just using the aerial imagery however you would need to go there and get gps traces later to check if it is aligned properly and you also need to name the road. The rule of thumb is to name the road based on what the sign says. Don't copy from other online maps since they may have the wrong name and it is copyright infringement.

Check out the beginner's guide for more information. The wiki is one of the best go to guides for tagging and general information

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answered 26 Jan '13, 15:56

redsteakraw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

See the Beginner's Guide section on our Wiki.

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answered 26 Jan '13, 13:01

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Related to Italy (Italian), those pages would probably be the best starting points (also in our wiki):

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answered 26 Jan '13, 13:30

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 26 Jan '13, 15:15

Besides what all the guys suggested above, i'm working around my area editing and adding Points Of Interests (POI) and some buildings. I am surprised that lots of them are not updated and there is lots of work to do.

Read a little the docs to get a sense of how things work around based on what you want to do.

My workflow for add/edit poi and : 1. login to you account on the osm website 2. zoom in the area you want to edit 3. press Edit on the top left of the website. I use the built in Potlatch editor. 4. edit existing pois or add new ones or edit buildings and roads etc. 5. have fun!

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answered 28 Jan '13, 10:29

Kaigara's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 26 Jan '13, 12:58

question was seen: 6,083 times

last updated: 08 Aug '13, 20:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum