When using Nonimatim browser I can get this kind of view to a city, where also all the subregions to which a city is a parent of are listed (+many other interesting details): http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=97761941 I'd like to be able to get this same list through Nominatim API, but am unable to figure out how to do that. All API calls return just a very few details - so is this something that is not available through API? If this is so, is there some other way to get this data? |
I don't know whether Nominatim has an API call for this. But to get the data, you can use [http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=rel[name=Helsinki];>;is_in;area._[admin_level];out; ]1 The returned XML contains all the administrative units that have a node inside Helsinki, including both suburbs and provinces, Finland and even the EU entry. 1
Thanks, but the list received through this url is not the same as what I get through the Nominatim url above. What I need is a hierarchical list or a tree through which I could build a structure which starts at the city level, and goes down to different city districts and to their sub-districts. Is there a way to get this?
(27 Jan '13, 21:47)
Seems like there is no API call for this specific output, maybe because it was (initially) intended for debugging.