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I've traced a few streets and there are some places where my GPS trace is slightly off from the existing data in OSM. I'm not sure if the map information is incorrect or if my GPS wasn't accurate. According to a past question on here, one way to find the reliability of the information is to check the other GPS traces in the area and see if they're consistent with my traces.

How then do I find the past GPS traces of a particular area ? Are they included in history of JOSM ? Would they be included on the history page of a particular way ?

I'm editing using Josm and this is one of the ways that I've traced in my question.

asked 27 Dec '10, 17:06

skorasaurus's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 21 Jul '13, 21:42

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You can download GPS traces in JOSM with the same dialog you use to download OSM map data (screenshot). There is a checkbox that lets you choose whether you want to download GPS tracks for the area.

See also: Download other people's traces in the wiki's JOSM Guide.

In this case, it seems that there is only a single downloadable trace available in the area. It is likely that this way was not created based on GPS data.

permanent link

answered 27 Dec '10, 17:28

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

edited 27 Dec '10, 17:33


Thanks, this solves my problem.

(29 Dec '10, 00:24) skorasaurus

In this case please mark the answer as "accepted" to change the questions status from "unanswered" to "answered". Thanks.

(29 Dec '10, 09:52) petschge

The checkbox is labeled "Raw GPS data".

(23 Sep '14, 21:08) meetar

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question asked: 27 Dec '10, 17:06

question was seen: 13,656 times

last updated: 23 Sep '14, 21:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum