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Hello everyone, I have a problem who seems to be an issue of OpenStreetMap, let me describe it:

  • You are on a web page who has a map on it, and you ask you browser to print it.
  • If you first print in PDF and see the generated file, there will be some white border around the tiles.

Does one of you have a solution to avoid this? Because Google Maps doesn't have this issue at all...

Thanks a lot for your help, Regards

asked 21 Jan '13, 11:29

djohannot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


For info, what browser and operating system are you seeing this with?

(21 Jan '13, 11:38) SomeoneElse ♦

Just tried this in Mozilla with PDF Creator: can't replicate issue.

(21 Jan '13, 11:40) SK53 ♦

This issue is definetly present with Firefox 18 (and has been since the switch to leaflet). It will be soon gone after the switch to newer leaflet.

(21 Jan '13, 18:39) RM87

On the main page zoom to your desired area and click on export tab on top of the page.
Choose the format (PDF) and the desired scale from the left side of the page.
Click on the Export button and the file will be generated for you.

permanent link

answered 21 Jan '13, 18:45

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 21 Jan '13, 11:29

question was seen: 3,641 times

last updated: 21 Jan '13, 18:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum