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Hello. I started using OSM, great services and all, but I'm struggling on one point. I have an JS object that contains a list of places, with coordinates etc. I have my actual location with the geolocation API. I want to do a research within 300m and see if some of those places are into the radius. So I have found how to call the "radius", with the bounding box, but I can't find how to simply get the 4 needed coordinates from my position (assuming I'm at the center of the circle/rectangle, of course). If anyone can help me, it'd be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: So, I've found a piece of code that convert two sets of lat/long in meters, so I compare all my values. Not the most efficient thing ever, but for my need, it was alright. I let my code here, in case anybody needs it someday.

asked 21 Jan '13, 11:12

kilik2049's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Jan '13, 12:55

alt text

permanent link

answered 21 Jan '13, 22:43

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

so position map on the area you want and click on export. then you can see the lat lons of top, left right and bottom

(21 Jan '13, 22:46) andy mackey

Yeah, but I was talking about doing it automatically in my code. Thanks anyway.

(22 Jan '13, 12:53) kilik2049

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question asked: 21 Jan '13, 11:12

question was seen: 6,823 times

last updated: 22 Jan '13, 12:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum