Hello, . http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=59.249&lon=-2.465&zoom=11&layers=M Could someone have a look at the above island which has not rendered correctly. The coast is only in two sections but I can't see where the problem is. Many Thanks Bernard . Edit The JOSM validator reports one section as OK and the other section as area not closed. I highlight and zoom to the problem which is node 1922407724. However this node seems to be merged with the end node of the other section |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by BCNorwich 20 Jan '13, 10:14
I do not see any problems, the island should appear in a couple of weeks when the coastline update is run. Thanks for the verification. The last edits to the two sections was on 6th and 7th Jan 2013. I didn't realize there was so long a delay in re-rendering of coastlines.
(20 Jan '13, 10:13)