The replication diffs are created using Osmosis. The option used is '--replicate-apidb'. answered 14 Jul '10, 16:22 Firefishy ♦♦ |
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The replication diffs are created using Osmosis. The option used is '--replicate-apidb'. answered 14 Jul '10, 16:22 Firefishy ♦♦ |
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question asked: 14 Jul '10, 15:54
question was seen: 5,993 times
last updated: 03 Mar '13, 11:07
NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Is really the place for in-depth technical discussions? The answer to this question would have to go into details of PostgreSQL transactions and the like, to a degree where anyone who can understand the answer can also read and understand the source code. IMHO we should keep end-user facing, not technical-geek-facing.
Where would you draw the border?
Have a look at the first two questions for example:
An answer containing the SQL commands would already help, reading a huge bunch of Java source code is too much for me right now.
Careful with the first few questions - they were half-serious and half-just testing the system.
As for whether this is the place for in-depth technical discussion? No, certainly not. But ideally the documentation should exist somewhere, for example the wiki, and then the answer here can simply point towards it and provide a summary. It's not supposed to be that the answers here will be canonical, it's fine to have links for further reading.
I'm interested in the answer as well. How are the transaction-id's taken from?