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recently we are seeing novice users carefully trace lots of buildings... only to leave them without any tags at all.

is there a nice, short howto regarding buildings in potlatch2? preferably with screenshots so that it would be easy to understand for complete newbies.

asked 18 Jan '13, 21:32

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

not short, not really for "novices", but still for drawing buildings with aerial images in Potlatch2 and with good information and screenshots:

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answered 25 Jun '13, 14:19

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

If novices just look at the "Drawing of simple building outlines" and "Function Make rectangular" parts, that should be sufficient for most cases. Then they just need to add building=yes

(26 Jun '13, 15:18) neuhausr

The best tutorials in this case are the good examples set by sucessfull mappers such as to one in this area. To learn and study it you/they will have to open an editor of course, or you or someone seeing that their is a need, could write and submit an article to the Wiki to solve the problem. after you have read and used the excellent info pointed to by aseerel4c26

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answered 26 Jun '13, 09:20

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 26 Jun '13, 10:08


An already added building cannot serve as a step-by-step guide on how to add a building.

(26 Jun '13, 09:52) scai ♦

In the absence of a step-by-step, A good example it the most concise we have, maybe??

(26 Jun '13, 10:04) andy mackey

Hi Richlv, P2 offers figures in the left side of the screen a simple way of tagging a building, whats the problem ? Okay not much of a choice but usable. Greetz Ps always end youre work completedly by saving it.

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answered 18 Jan '13, 21:52

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


i am looking for a short, concise howto that has step-by step instructions on how to add their first building in potlatch - something to be provided for newbies.

extra points for separate howto on how to find untagged ways that are likely to be buildings, and tag them correctly :)

(18 Jan '13, 21:58) Richlv

Probably better to write the how-to for iD which will be the default editor before long.

(25 Jun '13, 12:29) Richard ♦

a tutorial based on offline-editor JOSM is at

(25 Jun '13, 17:14) stephan75

here's a video that as a little demo on areas

(25 Jun '13, 22:21) andy mackey
(25 Jun '13, 22:30) andy mackey

I don't know of a current tool that finds untagged ways. Both OSM Inspector ( and keepright ( flag untagged features, but many are nodes.

(26 Jun '13, 15:27) neuhausr
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question asked: 18 Jan '13, 21:32

question was seen: 4,545 times

last updated: 26 Jun '13, 15:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum