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To avoid carrying books and optimize things while traveling, I like to build a Google Map with sights and cafés/restaurants. I usually print it on paper or keep a PDF in my phone so that I don't pay for a data connection.

But single Google Map is unable to take a bunch of addresses as input and doesn't offer a way to number locations, it's very time-consuming. I had to find and download numbered thumbtacks. Here's an example of Prague I started today.

Does OSM provide a better solution? Ideally, I could just paste a list of addresses, it would add all the locations on a map, each with a number, and let me re-order the locations easily.

Thank you.

asked 15 Jan '13, 13:57

Shohreh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I know there was something that could do aomething similar to automatic street guides, I think it was made of some french guys. This was along time ago though. A quick google didn't yield anything.

(18 Jan '13, 00:23) emj

This is only if you want to use the phone you mention; what I do is add the stuff I want to see into OSM database, then I download the OSM data in Osmand and use that for searching and figuring where I want to go. Usually I don't go where I planned because you always find better places when you are there.

You can also create a GPX file with favorites and place them on the SD card in a file named osmand/favorites.gpx. There are many tools to create GPX files, you can search for convert KML to GPX to find something that works.

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answered 18 Jan '13, 00:37

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


Thanks everyone for the infos. I'll try to find an article that explains the basics about digital maps, and play with the options provided here.

(25 Jan '13, 12:50) Shohreh

OsmAnd is a good option as emj mentioned.

If you really want a printed map, you'll need some coding experience.

With Nominatim, you can ask for an address (or POI name), and get the position back. So if you put this in a script, you can create a list with positions and names.

Afterwards, you can create a simple leaflet webpage which displays these locations on a map. This map can be printed (or at least via a screenshot) on paper.

Of course, the quality of the reply from Nominatim depends on the data. If there are no housenumbers present in the data, it won't give you the exact position.

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answered 19 Jan '13, 13:34

Sanderd17's gravatar image

accept rate: 31%

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question asked: 15 Jan '13, 13:57

question was seen: 3,965 times

last updated: 25 Jan '13, 12:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum