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there's a cycle route along the Grand Canal in Dublin.

Editing the feature shows that it's a Regional Cycle Route - the Canal Way Cycle Route, although the name field is blank.

How do I search OSM for the route by name, and how do I search OSM for Cycle Routes in Dublin?

I'd also like to contact the person who put up the feature - how do I do that please.



asked 15 Jan '13, 09:43

EoinBairead's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Routes are stored in relations. The name of the route is stored there:
(there you can click the "View history" link to see who created/altered the object)
(this route was created by user gintyc)

For exploring cycle routes, I would suggest using for instance:

There you can click the [Routes] button to get a list of all routes shown in the current view.


permanent link

answered 15 Jan '13, 10:30

_al's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

edited 15 Jan '13, 10:34



two more questions now please. When I open OSM, locate the feature and click Browse, I get Nodes and Ways, but no 'Relations'. How do I see Relations please.

And the name on has a different name to that on OSM. can I change this name, and can I add new routes to this site?

Thanks again.


(15 Jan '13, 11:44) EoinBairead

In Potlatch, select a way that is part of the route. That route is then shown in the left pane. Double clicking the route opens an "Edit Relation" window. You can edit the name and the ref there. WaymarkedTrails shows the ref if set, I think. It probably guesses it here.

You're welcome

(15 Jan '13, 12:06) _al

Re " has a different name to that on OSM" I see the name "Canal Way Cycle Route" on both. What different name are you seeing?

(15 Jan '13, 12:10) SomeoneElse ♦

WaymarkedTrails shows "CWC" which is a guess.

(15 Jan '13, 12:28) _al

"CWC" is generated automatically by concatenating the first three upper case letters of the name tag. The detailed procedure is described here.

(15 Jan '13, 12:37) scai ♦

That's what I said with "guess"... ;)

And Eoin can fix this by setting a ref.

(15 Jan '13, 13:07) _al

Thanks all - and how do cycle routes get on Eoin

(15 Jan '13, 14:47) EoinBairead

It's automatically updated every day from the latest OSM data. Anything that is part of cycle route relations as per standard OSM practice will show up there.

(15 Jan '13, 14:51) Richard ♦
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question asked: 15 Jan '13, 09:43

question was seen: 3,007 times

last updated: 15 Jan '13, 14:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum