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I have installed on Ubuntu 12.04 the following components:

  • Postgres 9.1
  • Mapnik 2.1
  • Tirex from source with patch

After importing germany.osm using osm2pgsql I try to render the planet using zoom level 3 and 4 with the following command:

tirex-batch --prio=25 map=osm bbox=-180,-90,180,90 z=2-3

But tirex/mapnik doesn't render anything. The lines in my syslog are:

Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]: tirex-master started with cmd line options: 
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]: Config bucket=[{maxload=20 maxproc=4 minprio=1 name=live},{maxload=8 maxproc=3 minprio=10 name=important},{maxload=4 maxproc=2 minprio=20 name=background}]
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]: Renderer mapnik: port=9331 procs=3 path=/usr/lib/tirex/backends/mapnik syslog_facility=daemon debug=0 fontdir=/usr/lib/mapnik/fonts plugindir=/usr/lib/mapnik/input
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]:   Map example: renderer=mapnik tiledir=/var/lib/tirex/tiles/example zoom=0-4 mapfile=/usr/share/tirex/example-map/example.xml
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]:   Map osm: renderer=mapnik tiledir=/var/lib/tirex/tiles/osm zoom=0-18 mapfile=/usr/share/osm-mapnik2/osm.xml
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]:   Map surveillance: renderer=mapnik tiledir=/var/lib/tirex/tiles/surveillance zoom=0-18 mapfile=/usr/share/osm-styles/surveillance/common.xml
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]: Renderer test: port=9330 procs=2 path=/usr/lib/tirex/backends/test syslog_facility=daemon debug=0
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]:   Map test: renderer=test tiledir=/var/lib/tirex/tiles/test zoom=0-10
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]: Listening for commands on socket /var/run/tirex/master.sock
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11037]: Listening for mod_tile connections on /var/lib/tirex/modtile.sock (UNIX)
Jan 14 03:08:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11038]: Listening for backend responses
Jan 14 03:08:55 h2113648 tirex-backend-manager[11008]: child 11013 terminated (exit_code=0, signal=6)
Jan 14 03:08:55 h2113648 tirex-backend-manager[11008]: disabled renderer mapnik
Jan 14 03:08:55 h2113648 tirex-backend-manager[11008]: child 11010 terminated (exit_code=0, signal=6)
Jan 14 03:08:55 h2113648 tirex-backend-manager[11008]: disabled renderer mapnik
Jan 14 03:17:00 h2113648 tirex-backend-manager[11008]: sending HUP to worker 'mapnik' with pid 11012 (due to timeout)
Jan 14 03:17:00 h2113648 tirex-backend-manager[11008]: child 11012 terminated (exit_code=9, signal=0)
Jan 14 03:19:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11038]: Job with id=1358129333_24434048 timed out on rendering list (map=osm z=3 x=0 y=0)
Jan 14 03:19:12 h2113648 tirex-master[11038]: Job with id=1358129333_22285488 timed out on rendering list (map=osm z=2 x=0 y=0)

What is the child process? Is this mapnik crashing? I tried yesterday same setup on a debian Squeeze box with exactly the same result!?

Here is a log of all my installation actions:

Please help :-)



asked 14 Jan '13, 02:26

kieste's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

btw. the machine is a 32 GB 6core HT xeon

(14 Jan '13, 02:34) kieste

btw 2: before I tried using tirex I used a setup with renderd (on debian 6) and started a batch using render_list. But render_list also ran into a timeout. Same problem I guess. It must be a mapnik 2.1 issue.

(14 Jan '13, 02:41) kieste

The tirex-backend-manager is a process that forks rendering processes. You have configured it to fork three, two of whom died immediately with SIGABRT, and one tried to render something but was killed when it took longer than the configured timeout. During these 10 minutes you should have seen on process called "mapnik" on your machine that indicated it was rendering something (ps auxw|grep mapnik) - if not then that has died too but unnoticed.

You can try running the tirex-backend-manager with the --debug flag from a command line window instead of running it as a service; it will not detach then, and be more verbose. At your zoom level 2-3 I'd somehow expect problems with shape files which could throw an exception and make the process abort but you'd normally expect that to show up in the logs. (At higher zooms one would want to configure PostgreSQL to log_statement='all' and watch if any queries show up there.)

permanent link

answered 14 Jan '13, 07:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 14 Jan '13, 07:31


Hello Frederik,

thanx for the clarification. I started the tirex backend manager in debug mode and got a long backtrace and memory dump. At the moment I can't figure out the root cause but I will check it. Maybe you can see something obvious? Log file:

Postgres executes lots of statements. (I guess the log is not very helpfull. But here it is:

Maybe I will substitute tirex with renderd if I can't get it to work.

I ran the command:

render -s /usr/share/osm-mapnik2/osm.xml --file berlin --bbox 12.88,52.67,13.8,52.35

and got a beautiful map of berlin. So mapnik seem to work fine.

Regards Steffen

(15 Jan '13, 22:33) kieste

Hi Steffen, Frederik,

I've got the same problem (ubuntu 11.10, postgre 8.4, mapnik 2.1, tirex from source with patch, boost 1.49). Any progress in this problem? In my case, mapnik-backend fails in

 line 158: rawpng[index] = mapnik::save_to_string(view, "png256");

I tried to change the format parameter without success. Mapnik works well, when I use it with python bindings.

Kindly regards, Martin

(06 Feb '13, 11:48) mattesCZ

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question asked: 14 Jan '13, 02:26

question was seen: 5,469 times

last updated: 06 Feb '13, 11:54

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