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Hookah lounges have been popping up all over my country(USA). In my moderately sized town we have at least 3 of them. They are getting to be quite popular amongst the youths.

They provide hookahs and your choice of tobacco flavors / mixes and serve them at tables with lit charcoal. Some are built into a smoke shop and sell tobacco products while others just stick to the hookah lounge. I have yet to find a tag I can reasonably tag them with.

amenity=hookah, leisure=hookah, smoke=hookah ?

For more information Read the wikipedia page.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

EDIT there seems to be no real convention, so what tag should I use?

asked 13 Jan '13, 22:15

redsteakraw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 13 Jan '13, 23:39

Taginfo shows a few. Where it has been used in a name you can use the "XAPI" link from taginfo to see what other tags were used.

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answered 13 Jan '13, 23:31

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


So really there is no real convention, if I add the three in my town I would have officially added just as much as are tagged already.

(13 Jan '13, 23:37) redsteakraw

Do they also provide drinks and food/snacks? Then maybe amenity=cafe or amenity=pub or amenity=bar can make sense. add shop=tobacco on the same node, if they sell tobacco products (e.g. your own hookah or tobacco for your own hookah).

The hookah-use I would specify with other tags.

there is a proposal for smoking here:

maybe the hookah can be included in this proposal (e.g. smoking=hookah)? Needs documentation, because the hookah is known under several names internationally (narghile in Israel, kalyan in Russia, waterpipe (Wasserpfeife) in German, ... all mean the same thing)

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answered 14 Jan '13, 08:08

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

I would rather suggest using smoking:hookah=yes because the values of smoking seem to specify the legal state and not the type of the smoking device.

(14 Jan '13, 14:22) scai ♦

The hookah use is the main attraction at a hookah lounge. Calling it by any other name doesn't make sense. Furthermore wikipedia chose hookah lounge as the name for the article we have some basis to use the hookah terminology.

(14 Jan '13, 18:28) redsteakraw

"The hookah use is the main attraction at a hookah lounge. Calling it by any other name doesn't make sense."

There are many restaurants famous for other things than the food. Still, they are restaurants in the first place. Better use additional tags to describe these places better. Or, if there are none, create some.

"Furthermore wikipedia chose hookah lounge as the name for the article we have some basis to use the hookah terminology." Hookah Lounge is the name in english speaking countries. But these places are also really big in other areas, like the middle east. Just a hint from my side.

(15 Jan '13, 10:15) moszkva ter

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question asked: 13 Jan '13, 22:15

question was seen: 5,361 times

last updated: 15 Jan '13, 10:15

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