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Please do not beat me. This is not directly linked to OSM. However, it is about uploading my GPX trace to OSM.

I have regularly used Oruxmaps to record my walking GPX trace and upload it to OSM.

I am experiencing upload problems, but cannot say since when. The recorded file is on my Sony Xperia Go smartphone at /sdcard/gpx as filename.gpx When I connect the smartphone to my lapto under Win7, the recently recorded file is not visible at all. Hence I cannot browse the smartphone's filesystem to get it uploaded to OSM.

For now, I am using ... Google drive as intermediary, which is not satisfactory to me.

Any idea on the problem?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 12 Jan '13, 16:58

gerdami's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

wikified 12 Jan '13, 16:59

Well, you know that you should be beaten. ;-) The question is really not about OSM. Maybe ask in our forums (in some off-topic or related problems section) or chat? Should questions about your broken shoe laces (shoes for going outside surveying, of course) be asked and answered here? I have messaged you in OSM.

(12 Jan '13, 23:31) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thumb down!

(13 Jan '13, 11:21) gerdami

Some of the Xperia phones are a bit weird in how they handle memory cards. Firstly, the /mnt/sdcard directory is actually a partition in the internal memory. If you add a microSD card, then it will be mounted as /mnt/ext_card.

So check where you are saving your files. It seems that many apps will say saving in external storage, but actually save in the sdcard directory. It is worth getting a file explorer on the phone so you can see where files actually are - ES File Explorer is a good free option.

You can also check what USB connection mode the phone is using (on Settings > Xpera > Connectivity). If it is set to mass storage mode, you can only access the SD card. To access the internal memory, you have to set it to media transfer mode.

Another problem is that Android might not rescan the memory for new files. You can force this by switching the phone on and off, or by using the SDrescan app (free).

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answered 13 Jan '13, 00:45

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


I just installed SDrescan and it made the job. Many thanks.

(13 Jan '13, 11:31) gerdami

Try "My Tracks" from Google. It is great for recording GPX files. You can upload to drive, save to sdcard and also upload from your laptop. It works great for me!

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answered 22 May '13, 12:20

srichakradhar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


p.s. My Tracks is the Google GPS tracking android app...

(22 May '13, 12:21) srichakradhar

Using my android I record trace on a third party mapping app and the track or waypoints can be emailed. I sent them to myself, open the mail on my Win PC and the GPXes get saved in downloads. Using Potlatch2 ( which i think you use) I select backgrounds and Vector files, browse to downloads and select the track or waypoints and the track or waypoints should be seen in the edit screen.

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answered 27 Oct '19, 16:14

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%


Thanks for your reply to my old question. In the meantime, I often use Oruxmaps that allows me to upload directly my trace to OSM.

(28 Oct '19, 07:41) gerdami

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question asked: 12 Jan '13, 16:58

question was seen: 7,355 times

last updated: 28 Oct '19, 07:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum