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I have sampled a small hike using Naviguide software, and have the output file as twl. I tried earlier to convert it into gpx using GPSBabel, and the actual conversion worked, but the upload to OSM failed giving me an error regarding less than 75% of the waypoints contain Time data. Checking the converted GPX file, I see no that indeed waypoint had the Time element, even though they all had the time (In a slightly different format) in the Comment element.

Is there an easy way to convert such a TWL file so I can use the samples up in OSM?

Note - both the original TWL and the converted GPX appear just fine when viewed on Google Maps using the GPSVisualizer web site.

asked 22 Dec '10, 21:23

ATGardner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You could try opening the GPX file in JOSM - it should be able to open it fine, even if it doesn't have any timestamps. You can then trace over it, or add nodes as appropriate.

It is not necessary to upload the GPS trace to (though it is often helpful to do so).

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answered 23 Dec '10, 15:06

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

I tried opening the gpx in JOSM, and it seems as though it does something, and it is zooming in on the right region, but it shows no waypoints/routes at all. Looking inside the xml, it is composed of a <rte> element, with <rtept> elements inside it

(25 Dec '10, 19:24) ATGardner

I don't think its possible to open a GPX route in JOSM. But you can use GPSBabel with a transform filter, to transform the route into a track. Then JOSM should open it.

(25 Dec '10, 22:40) Vclaw

I tried fiddling with the options in GPSBabel - couldn't get it to work. What exactly do I need to define there, in order to get the twl imported as a track gpx file?

(30 Dec '10, 14:43) ATGardner

Although the TWL format is not listed at the supported formats you can try Routeconverter to save your traclog to GPX format. There you can also inspect date and time of each coordinate point.

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answered 23 Dec '10, 13:55

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Thanks for the tip, but it couldn't open my TWL file at all. Besides, it seems as tough it uses GPSBabel internally to convert the formats, so I don't think it would have helped anyway.

(23 Dec '10, 14:05) ATGardner

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question asked: 22 Dec '10, 21:23

question was seen: 6,961 times

last updated: 30 Dec '10, 14:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum