Try this query No result ! Now, without postalcode : 1 Good result (with postal code returned witch is 45400 !!) In fact, the query parameter "postalcode" don't work ;( |
This seems to be a bug in Nominatim Original answer: Try "postcode" not "postalcode". That returns something for me that looks plausibly JSON! 3
"postcode" is not a recognized parameter. The documentation speaks about "postalcode" only. Replace "postcode" by anything else ('foo', 'bar', etc..) and you will see that the result will be the same ! I realy think there is a bug whith "postalcode" parameter. Is there a place tu submit bugs ?
(16 Jan '13, 08:52)
There is - it's "trac" for the "nominatim" component. And yes, the second bug on that list at the time of writing is "Handle or ignore postal code", so it's already been logged.
(16 Jan '13, 10:35)
SomeoneElse ♦
@scai : you do a mistake. The good parameter is postalcode not postcode. Try this query : "postcode" is specified with value 31330 but an other result with postal code "59660" is returned The "good" query (with "postalcode" parameter) don't work Thank you SomeoneElse for the link to the bug list ;)
(16 Jan '13, 20:09)
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