In Thailand there are countless man made ponds in use for aquaculture. These are sometimes tagged as Lakes using Potlatch2 which merely labels the closed way as water=natural. Clearly, they are not "natural", nor are they proper lakes. A similar situation exists for farm ponds, also plentiful here. There are thousands of these ponds or reservoirs which are, for the most part, tagged simply as water=natural, i.e., Lakes in Potlatch2 parlance. I can find nothing in OSM Taginfo that offers a definitive answer about how to tag these features. Any suggestions? |
Maybe landuse=fish_farm (exists 49 times so far) can help you? malenki, I could not find 49 instances of the terms landuse=fish_farm. Where does one come up with that sort of information?
(06 Jan '13, 14:37)
Just click on the link. Taginfo shows you various statistics about tags in the database.
(06 Jan '13, 15:23)
scai ♦
Oh, okay. I saw that number before but didn't realize what I was looking at. Thanks
(06 Jan '13, 16:28)
ummm, there's 3400 uses of landuse=aquaculture:
(07 Jan '13, 16:42)
You can tag these as natural=water water=pond. Take a look at natural=water page on wiki for other similar water features. To add additional tags (like water=pond) to objects, click on advanced button on the lower left corner in Potlatch2. 2
@AlaskaDave: extending the answer: our wiki page about "natural" tells "Used to describes natural physical land features, including ones that have been modified by humans." Indeed not all uses are really, "natural", you are right.
(06 Jan '13, 12:29)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Yes, thanks to all for the feedback. I will not assume natural=water limits the use of the tag to natural lakes. Looks like a combo of natural=water, water=pond and perhaps landuse=aquaculture would work. The last has not been adopted officially as yet and has only been used 4 times. Now I just need a keystroke macro to enter all this data automatically LOL
(06 Jan '13, 14:22)
maybe in some cases landuse=reservoir might be more accurate?
(07 Jan '13, 16:40)
On a similar note, how about a large, above ground manmade tank for aquaculture? Storage tank doesn't seem right because it's open on top, nor does a pond or a basin as it's not in the ground. Swimming pool almost seems right but it's for fish not humans. Any suggestions?