Administrative boundaries that are rendered in default mapnik layer are disturbing and ugly. They interfere with roads and ways and make the overall map-reading experience a nightmare. Do we really need them? No major mapping service like Google Maps, Bing or Yahoo Maps uses such a feature in default view. Lets hide them from the default render on |
The question has been closed for the following reason "This is a help system, not a discussion forum." by Andy Allan 22 Dec '10, 10:43
This is not a question with a definite answer but the start for a discussion. It should be discussed, but most likely not here. Where should this be discussed then? There is no reply in the official forum either...
(15 Jan '11, 12:25)
You should probably file an trac ticket with an improvement request against the mapnik component
(15 Jan '11, 14:58)
There was a reply on the forum, though the forum is sometimes not very busy. If you want more of a discussion, you could ask on one of the mailing lists, probably "Talk".
(15 Jan '11, 16:33)