Hi, Just logged in to OSM - I've found the map I want and would like to save it for use on a document. Not sure how to go about that. Help please? |
Click on the word "Export" at the top of the page. 1
Thanks - I had done that but the area was too large to export - I enlarged the area and the greyed out export button became usable.
(03 Jan '13, 20:02)
Try again. The "export" tab is never grayed out even if you display the whole world. You won't be able to export XML data then but image exports should always work. - Other than that, you can always make a screenshot!
(04 Jan '13, 21:15)
Frederik Ramm ♦
@cityca: The button "export" on the export pane is indeed greyed out (inactive), but only, as Frederik says, if XML is selected (there are radio buttons to choose). Choose the second option (map) and the "export" button should be active.
(04 Jan '13, 22:28)
aseerel4c26 ♦