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I downloaded the .img files for Europe. It doesn't come with a tdb file. I tried to create this file using this command line: java -jar mkgmap.jar --tdbfile gmapsupp.img I get an error message: jar: illegal option

I'm using the most recent java in WindowsXP.

How do I fix this? Dave S.

asked 01 Jan '13, 00:35

davideschellenberg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Jan '13, 19:33

stephan75's gravatar image


There are lots of different OSM-based map downloads for Garmin devices. None are any more "official" than any others. Which ones are you asking about?

Also, why are you trying to create a .tdb file?

(01 Jan '13, 20:23) SomeoneElse ♦

"java -jar" should work. Please add the output of "java -version" to your question. Maybe you have an old Java version?

(01 Jan '13, 20:29) sleske

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question asked: 01 Jan '13, 00:35

question was seen: 2,721 times

last updated: 03 Jan '13, 19:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum