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Some places in southern Israel (e.g. Ashdod) are listed as being in both Israel and Gaza Strip. Why does this happen and how can it be corrected?

Looking at the data in Nominatim, it shows:


Ashdod (Type: place:city, way 34929243, 15, 0 GOTO)

South District (Type: boundary:administrative, relation 1473952, 4, 0.985437346771934 GOTO)

Israel (Type: boundary:administrative, relation 1473946, 2, 0.400022604761034 GOTO)

Israel (Type: boundary:administrative, relation 1473946, 2, 0.400231047320927 GOTO)

Israel (Type: boundary:administrative, relation 1473946, 2, 0.400231047675712 GOTO)

Gaza Strip (Type: place:country, node 581141063, 15, 0.479282470008158 GOTO)

il (Type: place:country_code, 0 GOTO)

asked 30 Dec '12, 21:53

nvardi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Dec '12, 01:31

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

Because the way that defines Asdod city overlaps the Israel boundary as defined in OSM. Follow the links from nominatim to the relations and ways, and this becomes clear.

Whatch out when "fixing" what belongs to which country in an area of the world that suffers from tensions. Stick to internationaly-approved borders and do not start an edit war. Make sure that the agglomeration of Ashdod really does not cover both countries, for example.

Note that there is also an Ashdod administrative boundary which looks similar but properly contained within Gaza. There is a fair chance that one of the Ashdod here is redundant; it's probably a good idea to merge the information from both objects and to keep a single corrected object.

Once you are sure of what is correct, check the Ashdod way and any other osm feature that overlaps the Israel border (which I assume is itself correct). Either edit this way to get the proper geometry, or (if the way and the relation indeed are redundant), edit the relation's member to get the proper geometry, copy any missing tags from the way to the relation, and delete the way.

It'll take a little while before nominatim picks up the changes.

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answered 31 Dec '12, 00:28

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

That's not that hard - I guess simply because the people there are not agreeing to one border. Our mappers seem to have mapped both views. Google search for gaza conflict. Also see a question about kosovo-central-serbia: "This help site is not a platform for political discussion." (by cartinus)

Or did you mean to ask some technical question about Nominatim's configuration?

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answered 31 Dec '12, 00:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 30 Dec '12, 21:53

question was seen: 3,739 times

last updated: 31 Dec '12, 01:31

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