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we have some streets that were previously one way streets, but the one way signs have been removed, so you may drive in both directions. But the signs at the end of the one way street, that interdicts to drive into the street are still there...

How to map this scenario?

I have now put a tag "oneway=yes" for a little segment at the end of the street. Is this correct?



asked 30 Dec '12, 14:36

taunusmapper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the end of that street has a no-entry sign on it, then you can make a turn restriction for it.

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answered 30 Dec '12, 15:30

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thanks. I have now added the following tags on the point where the "unreal" oneway street is connected to the other street from where you aren't allowed to drive into:

type=restriction restriction=no_entry from=Main Street to=Unreal Oneway Street

I hope this is ok...

Best regards,


(30 Dec '12, 17:43) taunusmapper

Please take a look at relations 2669845 and 2669845 that user wambacher just created. This is one way how a turn restriction can be added to that crossing.

As it seems you are not familiar with relations, you may want to read the relations page on wiki (and pages it links to).

(30 Dec '12, 18:34) RM87

Ahhh, thanks! With the two linked relations I have understood the way how to map this.

I have found (and read) the Wiki articles about relations and turn restrictions before, but it was not really clear to me, how to tag it...

But with this real example it's clear to me now.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards


(30 Dec '12, 19:20) taunusmapper

For the opposite situation, where you can only leave the intersection on a particular way, make it one-way from the intersection to the first point that allows two-way movement.

Example in Salem Oregon

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answered 01 Jan '13, 00:35

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 30 Dec '12, 14:36

question was seen: 3,041 times

last updated: 01 Jan '13, 00:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum