Google Maps v3 has an option ---> scrollwheel="false" Is something like this available for OpenStreetMap?
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Leaflet is small, easy to use and does include mousewheel support. It is worth looking at. Thank you for all of your responses. Leaflet looks like a great answer thanks!
(29 Dec '12, 22:35)
Nu Everest
Please be clear: Can you avoid scrolling in a web map insert with the options provided by the openstreetmap GUI? NO, YOU CAN'T. If there is a method, please give a useful answer. If you are concerned about the use of openstreetmap on the web, please suggest such an improvement. Thanks 2
Some how I doubt that commenting on a 9 year old answer is going to achieve anything.
(23 Nov '21, 15:33)
SimonPoole ♦
OpenStreetMap is, at its core, just a large lump of data. Many different options are available for getting this data in front of a user. So the answer is "yes, if you want there to be".
Or perhaps you could explain a little bit more about what you're trying to do?
I'm guessing that it involves a web-based map of some sort, possibly made up of map tiles, but could you be more specific?
Yeah I'm guessing you're actually asking about OpenLayers or Leaflet. You need to state this in your question
You could I guess use Google Maps to display OpenStreetMap tiles as per this example:
I just want to make my page in a way that the user can scroll down the page and over the map without getting sucked into the map.
I am aware that OpenLayers provides such a feature i.e.
However, to get access to what seems like a simple feature I have to include a massive OpenLayers JS file that gives me the ability to do a bunch of cool things that I don't need.
I was hoping that I could simply define a setting in the Embeddable HTML.
It seems like the answer is, no.
I'm trying to remove embed Google Map on my customers websites, but as Nu Everest, I'm lookign for an easy way to disable the scroll (zoom) when the mouse is hover the map. Many customers have bad come back with this fonctionnality (specially when the embed map is big and when the visitor just want to scroll down the website page).
So I think it could be very usefull for OSM growing to implement a scrollwheelzoom="false" option on the embed code.
@Spheerys As already described in the other answers/comments this has nothing to do with OpenStreetMap but instead is a Leaflet/OpenLayers/whateveryouareusing-issue.
Hi, wondering if this is still not possible in OSM?
I have put a very simple embed (literally just showing where something is on the map) on a website -- but on scroll it obviously goes a little crazy with zooming. So, I would like to disable mousewheel zoom.
@popovichN: it IS possible. See the comments above.