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Hi All,

Please try to find place by location like: " 50.31235 34.86754" (with space before the numbers), next you will try to find for: "50.31235 34.86754".

I have completely different places result..

The first of requests return (in Russian lang.) "Т-17-05, Кнышовка, Гадячский район, Полтавская область, Украина" and point to road in the forest - wrong place! Next request return no text but point to true geographic location (Ohtyrka town).

Hot I can to fix it?

asked 28 Dec '12, 11:58

VladUA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

They're not quite "completely different places" - they're both on the same road.

(28 Dec '12, 12:04) SomeoneElse ♦

Yes, but search result is very differ :) I will try to explain.

Right point place located near the building inside the neighborhood 30m from the T-17-05 inside the "Ohtyrka" town. In search result we find another region (oblast) address - near 50 km from place point by geo location.

I expect to get nearest town address but not a road name with address of center this road.

(02 Jan '13, 15:11) VladUA

When you use the "Search" box on, it uses several different services.

If what you type in is recognised as coordinates, then the "Internal" service will give you a link directly to that point.

If your input is not recognised as coordinates, it will search Nominatim and GeoNames. These are designed for finding placenames and addresses. It seems Nominatim will give you the nearest road or address to the coordinates, which might be some distance away.

The problem is that the internal service only recognises coordinates if they are formatted in a particular way. ie only if they are decimal degrees. So as you've found, it doesn't work if they have extra spaces, or N/S, or degrees/minutes/seconds etc.

You could report this by adding a ticket on It may have been reported previously, so try searching first.

permanent link

answered 28 Dec '12, 17:19

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thanks for the response!

But trailing/leading spaces do not affect to the numbers inside the request. So we have trivial bug in request processor or not?

Ok, I try to make new ticket.

(02 Jan '13, 14:53) VladUA

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question asked: 28 Dec '12, 11:58

question was seen: 3,642 times

last updated: 02 Jan '13, 15:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum