I want to create bitmap maps to use in wikipedia, but I don't want any names on itself (otherwise I'll have to create different versions for each language). As long as I have searched I didn't find a way to export a map like that. |
The [old] multilanguage map at http://tiles.wmflabs.org/osm/slippymap2.html has tiles without names and many different languages as overlays. I don't think that they have a nice way to export tiles from there but if you need only a couple of them you can fetch them by hand. The other solution would be to setup a rendering stack (osm2pgsql, mapnik, apache, mod_tile) and modify the stylesheet from openstreetmap to exclude the name labels. 1
That's cool. Never knew about that. London with no names! The service I knew about was a layer called "captionless" from the tiles@home project, but it's only at zoom level 12, and seems to be not working at the moment (it's showing captions) so that's useless.
(21 Dec '10, 12:43)
Harry Wood
currently also: "osm-no-labels" at https://toolserver.org/~osm/styles/ (use the layer switcher on top right)
(11 Apr '13, 13:38)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I appreciate sharing the information
(11 Oct '14, 09:04)
I've tweaked the link in this answer, since toolserver.org is no more, but I found this on the new labs servers, which may be the same thing. But the no-labels layer there is with the old style colours of 'standard' openstreetmap, and I guess its continuity is doubtful because I think wikimedia have revamped their map rendering, which you can read more about here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Maps and see running here: https://maps.wikimedia.org/ But I don't know if this new stuff includes a "no labels" layer
(20 May '16, 12:54)
Harry Wood
There's a couple different ways, including maperitive. I have also created maps without text using osmarender. You'll have to edit your rules file a bit (make sure to have backups of rule files). There also may be an easier way to do this in the rules file, and I'm not 100% sure if this does it [been a few weeks since I last did it] but I removed each line that began with:
Another option is to use Maperitive, remove any "draw : text" commands in the default rules and you'll end up with no text on your bitmaps. |