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I know it's not a good idea to pack multiple questions in the same thread, but I was too lazy to open several :-)

I'd like to use OpenCycleMap and have the following questions:

  1. How to hide the two squares at the bottom?
  2. How to hide details (houses in block)?
  3. How to add topography infos (hills)?
  4. How to contribute (missing cycle lanes)?
  5. How to download maps for off-line use (EDGE/3G out of reach)?

Thank you.

asked 27 Dec '12, 13:39

Shohreh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Indeed merging these questions is a bad idea - so please don't do it. ;-) Awful to track which part is answered and which not. Also it would be nice to provide a link/URL to the website in question. and the other links on top of this page may answer some of your questions. Also, in case you did not, it would be nice to search for previous questions + answers before asking. :-)

(27 Dec '12, 15:59) aseerel4c26 ♦

"I was too lazy to open several"

If you're too lazy to ask your questions properly, do you really expect others to take the time to answer them properly?

(28 Dec '12, 08:39) Richard ♦

Answering your multiple questions briefly (it is annoying that you know your multiple questions is annoying, so my answers are short).

Changing what features are shown on a map tile is not possible, unless you render your own map tiles. See switch2osm.

To contribute to the map (adding cycle lanes) read the beginners' guide.

Downloading map tiles for off line use may breach the tile usage policy. The OSM data is freely available, scraping map tiles has a high impact on the servers and is not recommended. Andy, who created the cyclemap, does sell a micro SD card with opencyclemap data on it for some GPS receivers.

permanent link

answered 27 Dec '12, 21:19

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thanks Chris for the infos. Since this StackExchange-type site isn't well suited for discussions, if there's an actual forum to discuss geolocation, maps, etc., I'm interested.

(28 Dec '12, 09:38) Shohreh

The contact wiki page might help

(28 Dec '12, 09:54) ChrisH

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question asked: 27 Dec '12, 13:39

question was seen: 3,483 times

last updated: 28 Dec '12, 09:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum