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What would it need to serve live rendered tiles (such as in mod_tile / Tirex) with UTFgrid .json files? mod_tile does not seem to support UTFgrid. Does Tirex?

TileStream only can serve pre-rendered MBtiles.

Is there any working alternative?

asked 26 Dec '12, 12:57

AddisMap_Alexander's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Dec '12, 12:57

TileMill actually can be used as an tileserver.

Edit the config.json and add the following (as shown in the TileMill docs)

  "listenHost": "",
  "coreUrl": "",
  "tileUrl": "",
  "server": true

Tiles then would be surfed under for example:

and the UTFgrid info under

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answered 26 Dec '12, 13:16

AddisMap_Alexander's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The easiest way to get the {tirex|renderd}/mod_tile toolchain to support per-tile metadata - UTFgrid, Metawriter, or others - would probably be to extend the meta tiles used by these systems, which currently contain the PNG data only, to also include the extra data.

Since these systems usually render a larger area - typically, 8x8 tiles - in one go for performance reasons, and cut up the resulting PNG into tiles afterwards, you'd have to make sure the metadata is treated similarly.

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answered 27 Dec '12, 10:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 26 Dec '12, 12:57

question was seen: 3,861 times

last updated: 27 Dec '12, 10:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum