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Hi at this point, the water in the north west corner looks to stream (pointers) into the south east direction, but the simple waterway on the right corner has the same pointers in the opposite direction into the north west. I cant find the meaning of the pointers in the advanced menu. Whats the meaning of them ? And where do they came from ? There seems to be no logic in them since I found them on borders alongside a canal pointing in opposite directions ? Greetz

asked 24 Dec '12, 22:18

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

retagged 26 Dec '12, 02:39

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Follow-up: I'm trying to map display the one-way water canals in Venice (Italy) - there are many of them. I added the tag oneway=yes on a canal, hoping that arrows would show-up on the map (like the ones one-way streets), but they didn't.

Any ideas if this is even possible? I couldn't find info on that on the wiki (and did search for a while...). And if one-way canals aren't implemented, do you have any suggestions on how to put the information on the map, with a comment or something like that?

--I'm new to OSM, hope I'm doing this right!

(24 Mar '16, 19:12) GDDR

Just to confirm - you mean "one-way" in the sense of "traffic is only allowed to go one way" not "water only flows one way"?

If so, I don't know the answer (but someone might).

(24 Mar '16, 19:15) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks for your quick answer! Exactly;

Venice is a very particular city... Being in a lagoon, the water only flows with the high or low tides, twice a day, but the movement of water is very negligible. It does however have about a hundred canals, which work like "car" roads. Some are one-way: "traffic is only allowed to go one way", some are open to private traffic only at certain times of the day, some have restricted access, some are only open to rowing boats, there are speed limits and some have a maximum width limit etc...

There is a general consensus that the water traffic is poorly documented, and a lot of people go around with their personal bat, and the absence of an updated online map is what got me to try and make it clearer on OSM, but Venice seems so unique that the options might not implemented yet, or hard to figure out.

Hopefully someone knows!

(25 Mar '16, 04:31) GDDR

@GDDR This would be best asked as a new question. It's precisely the sort of quirky thing that is relatively uncommon around the world which it's nice to get right on OSM.

(25 Mar '16, 10:50) SK53 ♦

@SK53 , makes sense, I'll do it, thanks for the advice!

Edit: I asked the question there.

(25 Mar '16, 13:16) GDDR

That is what our wiki says:

  • "The way used should point in the direction of water flow." (Waterways)
  • "By convention the direction of the way should be downstream" (Key:waterway)

Apparently the waterway creators in your example did not follow the convention. That's all.

By the way, if you are using the editor Potlatch2 (which I assume due to your last edit's meta info) you can change a way's directon with the shortcut key V in case you want to change it. If you would use JOSM use the reverse way tool (shortcut key R) in the tools menu similarly. For iD click a way and use the reverse tool in the pop-up toolbox (shortcut V). Have a look in the way's history first (to find any reason for the uncommon way direction).

permanent link

answered 25 Dec '12, 00:52

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 06 Apr '13, 13:59

Hi Aseerel4c26, Good hint, I just came across the fenomenal which I couldnt trace in the menu of the editor. I searched for a nice example to show the fenomenal and noticed its not very common. It has been used with canals, used for adding and retracting water from the land. I just described the way look at the WIKI in the NB group as discouraging, but you started with the explanation and added the WIKI page, thanks.

(25 Dec '12, 23:25) Hendrikklaas

I've no idea what you mean by "fenomenal" here. Perhaps you could try another word?

(26 Dec '12, 00:02) SomeoneElse ♦

someoneelse: I think the word "phenomenon" (parts of one waterway with opposite way directions) fits well.

Hendrik: If there would be a source or a sink of water it may be possible to have the water flowing into opposite directions. For usual rivers (flowing into direction of the sea) that phenomenon cannot appear in reality (and therefore it should not in our map data).

(26 Dec '12, 02:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 24 Dec '12, 22:18

question was seen: 5,444 times

last updated: 25 Mar '16, 13:53

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