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Could anyone please explain why the border between Kosovo and Central Serbia is international border? Kosovo is not member of UN. Only 90 UN member states have recognized Kosovo. You can see it on wiki page... Border between Kosovo and Central Serbia should be regional!

Also, you shouldn't use self-proclaimed name "Republic of Kosovo", use only Kosovo.


asked 23 Dec '12, 20:01

vissrb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 23 Dec '12, 20:17

cartinus's gravatar image


@cartinus I don't want political discussion. I just want to say that using international borders for non-Members of the United Nations isn't correct. It is technical problem...

(23 Dec '12, 20:58) vissrb

The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant. This help site is not a platform for political discussion." by cartinus 23 Dec '12, 20:17

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question asked: 23 Dec '12, 20:01

question was seen: 1,891 times

last updated: 23 Dec '12, 20:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum