I have noticed that the northern boundary of the Brazilian Federal District is misplace. I am unable to correct it accurately, myself, as I do not live there. Is it possible to get someone else to correct it? |
Hi and welcome, ingles35! In my opinion the best (and easy) way to report such an error: Add a bug report in (one of our bug reporting tools) OpenStreetBugs http://openstreetbugs.schokokeks.org/?lat=-15.787&lon=-47.812&zoom=10 . To add a bug, click at the desired spot (where the error is) in the map. Be sure to fill in the description clearly, understandable and long enough (although the visible field is a bit short). Someone (probably a local) will take care of the bug report hopefully soon. But maybe it takes even a year. We all could correct it - but we need to get correct data from somewhere which we are allowed to use to make our map (copyrights!). |
Try to get contact to /user/Skippern ... if I remember correctly he has done some editing in Brasilian local boundaries. |