I am trying to create a software to show traffic information on OpenStreetMap. Considering that the traffic information is temporary, the data is changed in a certain frequency. Does anyone has a suggestion to make this work? My first try was to use the postgre/postgis/openlayer on the server, and update the information about the traffic on the database. But I had too much problems to show the route on map. So I am interested in ideas to the server. asked 19 Dec '12, 18:44 Roberto Ferraz aseerel4c26 ♦ |
There is http://opentraffic.io/ which seems like a great initiative, but I have not seen it actually running so I can't say anything about its quality. It seems their code repository (on Github) may have implemented something like what you're trying to do. answered 08 Jun '16, 15:21 TwoD |
The only webservice I know about that is openrouteservice.org ... there is a display (and maybe routing) with TMC data for Germany. Ask the guys from univerity Heidelberg who offer this service. answered 19 Dec '12, 20:36 stephan75 |
What format is your traffic data in ? What kind of server do you have to deliver the data ? Are you wondering about code on the client to refresh the data, or code on the server to sustain the load ?
Sorry vincent, I have updated my question to make to improve it. I am using the postgre/postgis/openlayer solution. But I am facing the following problem during: The user selects a destination and origin point, but as the scripts works with nodes, the route starts and ends after (or before) the place it would. So I want to find another solution. My traffic information is a float value that goes from 0 to 1 on each road, where 0 is free, and 1 is stand still..