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i got a problem similar to

that is my call to nominatim: Suche Flughafen Hamburg in Firefox i can read the answer in standard tab. In InternetExplorer i also receive the same result (after having a detail look with a debug tool)

But calling that link inside a webpage wih jquery... in Firefox anything is fine.

      url: url,
      type : "GET",
      success: function(result){
      error: function(err) {

Using the internet explorer debugger the code runs to the error section. Without giving me useful information. it feels the URL isnt called.

Any ideas, what the problem is?

am using jquery-1.7.2 and jquery-ui-1.8.22


asked 19 Dec '12, 15:43

Cortadillo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would suggest that using InternetExplorer is the problem. ;-) ... it was in the question you've linked to.

(19 Dec '12, 16:00) aseerel4c26 ♦

Have you checked your encoding as suggested in the question you linked to? Try searching for something without any special characters in it like 'london' and see if that works. If it does it would suggest an encoding problem - follow the advice from

Alternatively can you try using format=jsonv2 instead. The v2 format was introduced to fix a problem with a conflict between the property 'class' used in the original json format.

If neither of these are the cause you will need to use the debugger to view the actual response comming back from the nominatim server. You could also try replacing alert("error"); with alert(err); to hopefully get some useful information.

permanent link

answered 19 Dec '12, 15:57

twain's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

edited 19 Dec '12, 16:01

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question asked: 19 Dec '12, 15:43

question was seen: 3,724 times

last updated: 19 Dec '12, 16:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum