FakeSteveC seems to be a very important figure in the community with his blog and his Twitter. But who is he really? |
Fake SteveC is a joke. humour. Not to be taken seriously. Fake SteveC has a blog parodying the real SteveC (Steve Coast, founder of the OpenStreetMap project, and "chairman emeritus" within the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board). In addition to the blog, Fake SteveC appears across several other communication channels. Fake SteveC parodies Steve Coast's exuberant actions and outbursts as a "leading" figure of the OpenStreetMap, and has shone a spotlight on his actions as chairman of the foundation, and founder of CloudMade. But remember Fake SteveC does not represent the opinions of real SteveC or indeed of any real person. It's a joke! It seems likely that Fake SteveC is inspired by the famous Fake Steve blog which presents the fake opinions of Steve Jobs, leader of Apple. But who is Fake SteveC? The real person behind Fake SteveC is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Speculation is rife. The real SteveC has demonstrated frustration on occasions at not knowing the identify of fake SteveC, meanwhile others have speculated that real SteveC is Fake SteveC. Fake SteveC may not be one person. Melaskia is to be suspected. She's asking this question just to throw us off the scent. 2
If only I could write English as well as FakeSteveC, I would be happy.
(19 Jul '10, 14:34)
Fake SteveC is Anonymous. Fake SteveC is legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. |