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Hello Guys,

since i Remeber, i want an own Tileserver.

I tried in Ubuntu, i Failed cause of my small Skills in Linux.

Now i am Trying it in Windows. So far so good, but i didnt reached my destination.

What i've done:

  • Postgre SQL DB
  • Postgis
  • osm2pgsql used

Result: There is Data in the Database.

But how can i render my Tiles?!

There are 2 Opinions:

Use Mapnik (Fine, there are 100 Manuals, but only to Create a Demo. I want not a demo, i want to render the data from my Database!)

Install Tilemill (So far so good, but what i do next? I Dont know where there is a use that this Program can connect to my Database)

Long Story Short Question:

How can i Render Tiles from my Database (Postgre SQL). Please with Real Examples and not only manuals where i can Create Demos.

Thank you very much!

asked 18 Dec '12, 01:24

asmardemir's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Could you perhaps indicate which kind of technology you intend to use (Java Swing, dotNet, HTML, ...) (or are familiar with) ?

Regards, Alain

(18 Dec '12, 09:13) koalabe

Just html.

I Want the Tiles. (${z}/${x}/${y}.png)

Just the PNG's. And publish it with an simple apache server.

Nothing else...

(19 Dec '12, 01:39) asmardemir

All information you need should be listed at

Did you really read all instructions and howtos?

Please tell us in detail where you get stuck with your database.

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answered 18 Dec '12, 17:08

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


I didnt stuck in my Database.

My Problem is, like i said, how can i Render / Create Tiles?

The Database is full with Data (osm2pgsql).

But how can i Render them?

And yes, i read the Manual. Details of designing Roads, Trees, .... I am not interested in this :( I just want to know how i can render / Create my Tiles from my Database :(

(19 Dec '12, 01:34) asmardemir

This help site is not the main entry to contact the OSM developers community. Use the osm dev mailing list instead:

But I don't understand really your problem. Tilemill uses Mapnik too. It's just a tool editing rendering styles where "Mapnik tutorials" itself is just using the OSM standard style. So, If you plan to use the standard Mapnik style for OSM, then one of the "hundreds" tutorials is good enough for you. When it runs for a demo db, then you can easily replace the demo by your full database, no ? Or if you are not able to change a db name in a configuration file ? Or your plan is to use Tilemill for a new map style, and you have to connect your till server with Tilemill. In which case, you should contact the dev list. Btw, what is your tile server ? mod_tile, renderd, tirex ?

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answered 18 Dec '12, 10:33

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 18 Dec '12, 17:27


How can i Say to Tilemil: Hey, use this Database and Create some Tiles.

I didnt find in the application any Setting.

In the Manual i find only things about how to create streets, and so on. Nothing about Rendering Tiles.

I am not interested in creating my own Design. I just want the PNG's and Publish them (Format: ${z}/${x}/${y}.png)

(19 Dec '12, 01:41) asmardemir

Tilemill is developed by Mapbox, a company where the business model is around hosting map tiles for you. It's free to use and open source but the aim is finally that your tiles are hosted by them and you pay some fee for that. If you want to host your tiles yourself, you can use their apps but then you will have to dig into the source code and find the hints and tricks yourself for your needs. Otherwise, use another toolchain like Tirex or Mod tile and renderd or check those wiki pages about tile rendering scripts and services here (Mapnik) and there (Slippy map). Again, you can use Mapnik directly but still use TileMill to edit the Mapnik map styles (check CartoCSS export to Mapnik). You can check also this switch2osm page about serving tiles.

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answered 19 Dec '12, 09:42

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


There is a detailed description on TopoMapCreator about How to render OSM data with TileMill on Windows.

TileMill can be used easily without relying on the services of Mapbox!

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answered 01 Nov '14, 10:05

kaki007's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Dec '12, 01:24

question was seen: 10,100 times

last updated: 01 Nov '14, 10:05

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