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Hi, I own a Garmin Nuovi 680 NA & I expect to drive from french Guiana to Guyana in a couple of days. I want to learn how to register my route, memorize & export in mapsource from Garmin. Is this process compatible with your Openstreet soft? My goal is to save the route for my next trips and update the public knowledge of this area on the map matching with this link: Thanks for your contribution. Regards.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 17 Dec '12, 02:03

JUAN%20LUCAS%20EADS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you want to log the travelled route with the nüvi you could try if this or this "hack" to get a verbose logging works with your device.
Have you tried to look at the nüvi's memory when connected as mass storage device? Don't forget to un-hide hidden files and folders. Maybe you will find interesting stuff...
Assumed you have a log and will make some photographs of the road/region this wiki page helps you with wedding gpx log and photos.

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answered 17 Dec '12, 18:08

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Hi Juan Lucas, do I understand correctly that you want to contribute to ( = improve) the OpenStreetMap?

I could not find out if the Garmin nüvi 680 can record gps traces (the trace of locations where your were driving), if you know that you can - fine - but I currently think it cannot record your trace.

Once you have a device which can record gps traces: You can upload (after login in, of course) gps traces (tours) in the gpx file format which is supported as gps trace export file format by many applications - also by Garmin Mapsouce (as far as I know). After you have uploaded your gps trace you can use it to improve the map in an map editor. Or you can just upload the trace - it still helps a bit. Getting started editing will involve quite some learning, so do not assume that it is done in half an hour. To start it may be good to read our Beginner's Guide.

Important: please do only use your own gps recordings to contribute here - no other maps (like google maps or Garmin maps).

Please comment if you still have questions and/or if it was helpful.

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answered 17 Dec '12, 02:49

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 17 Dec '12, 03:02

Hi aseerel4c26 Thanks for your beginning of answer. I confirm I do want to improve OSM with a trace in the Guyanas area. I realise the fist try won’t be immediate but I should enjoy to be successful. So, I need to make the welding with Garmin now to learn about systems compatibility. If I well understand, nobody tried before. Nuövi 680 knows to memorise drove locations but I never noticed the trace saving function. Looking forward to know more from you.

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answered 17 Dec '12, 13:31

JUAN%20LUCAS%20EADS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

note: "welding" is probably the wrong word. I guess you mean something different.

Yes, you need to get to know your device. If you can save a trace of locations and export it somehow into a gpx file you can use it for your OpenStreetMap contributions. Example of an uploaded gpx trace:

Maybe you can only save single locations - then you can use this to contribute special locations (points) like gas stations or city centres to the map by manually reading the coordinates. A handwritten notes on a sheet of paper may be useful, too.

(17 Dec '12, 15:18) aseerel4c26 ♦

Ok, i always ask to be imaginative. To weld with Garmin is to make a sure and realiable link with. I saw this morning that Nuvi 670 (not mine) is able to accept files of waypoints GPX created in mapsource. Could it fit with OSM? I didn't find any function on my 680 to make that. I have to contact garmin USA but I didn't get true quick this morning.

(17 Dec '12, 17:26) JUAN LUCAS EADS

(Please use the "add a comment" function. Not the "answer" function.)

The nüvi 670 is very similar to yours. Except that it supports loading waypoints (not tracks/traces!) in gpx format onto this device.

Usually, to my knowledge, those popular car navigation systems are not suited for recording tracks. You need other class/kind of gps device: Those which are used for outdoor hiking or cycling or so-called data loggers or simply (to some extent) today's smart-phones. See

(17 Dec '12, 17:44) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 17 Dec '12, 02:03

question was seen: 7,246 times

last updated: 17 Dec '12, 18:08

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