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I'm looking for what is considered best practice for a 2 lane road, splitting up to 11 lanes, each with toll booth and gate, just to combine into 2 lanes again.

Currently, the toll boths at the Oresund bridge between Sweden and Denmark is created by splitting into multiple roads. I guess that is technically true, but when using GPS and routing, you are told to turn left (depending on routing preferences), which in this case doesn't make sense and would take you to a customer service road. Another place with, similar scenario, the road is just created as a single road.

So I'm a little curious as to what is considered the best way of doing it?



asked 16 Dec '12, 22:24

jesperd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Normally, when you can freely switch between the lanes (there are no barriers), a single way is drawn for all lanes together. Of course, here you have these very small toll booths which are barriers between the lanes, so both choices can be argued.

You should note that the navigation device you use is wrong when it says to turn left in the first scenario. It should just say to take a certain lane (keep left or keep right). So you can't use that argument to defend the second way of tagging.

I would (but this is purely personal) draw a single line like in your second example. The part of the lanes that has a barrier between it is too short for me to separate the lanes into multiple ways. Naturally, tags such as width= and lanes= should be provided.

It would also be a great use of the area:highway proposal.

As you know, this last part was a personal tagging style I would use, if you want more certainty, contact the tagging mailing list as this has not been really discussed before.

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answered 16 Dec '12, 22:58

Sanderd17's gravatar image

accept rate: 31%

I would also go for a single line and only make seperate ways if access restrictions exist (e.g. seperate toll lanes for cars, trucks, buses). If there is a generally accepted solution for this question, it would be cool to document it somewhere in the Wiki, as this problem occurs more often (e.g. big border crossings).

(17 Dec '12, 13:42) moszkva ter

I would consider to add the border crossing with the same multiple lanes. But different lane descriptions for a bus, hgv, nothing to declare aso. Or UK residents here.

(17 Dec '12, 15:42) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 16 Dec '12, 22:24

question was seen: 4,557 times

last updated: 17 Dec '12, 15:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum