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If landuse is divided by a river or a street, let's say on one side of the river it is farmland (see Bole Subcity in Ethiopia - currently we have old borders there), on the other side of the river it is residential.

Or on one side of the street it is residential, on the other side industrial.

Should the landuse way follow (i.e. use the same nodes), like the street?

asked 16 Dec '12, 15:44

AddisMap_Alexander's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Apr '15, 10:14


At "Land use and areas of natural land" in our wiki that question is listed as "open". See also the past questions here to see the several opinions (listed afterwards). In case you did not try, please try to use the search function before posting a question. :-)

I, personally, avoid sharing those nodes (1D streets with 2D landuse) since the landuse does not extend to the middle of the street or river. The same argument wins for me if there is no object (like a street) between/separating between two different landuse areas; then I share the nodes since the two areas also meet in reality. Yes, it has its downsides. Make your own choice and look how others do it.

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answered 16 Dec '12, 16:48

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 03 Mar '13, 01:37


In the Potlatch2 tool box there is a parallel tool which is useful in this situation.

(19 Feb '13, 18:40) andy mackey

+1 for the "does not extend all the way to the middle of the street" argument, that's my rationale for keeping streets and adjacent landuses seperate.

(20 Feb '13, 12:45) gormo

Hi AddisMap, There some opinions in this one as noticed. I personally would nt tag it all together and even separate old borders to make a road or river visible. The surroundings have been mapped artificial in the past, without attention for rivers or roads or any other object. In basic no problem but if your digging into cartering I would work in details. Afterall were not tagging for the renderer but for the visible map and ad information to the database. But this subject has even triggered more reactions. Greetz

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answered 17 Dec '12, 21:45

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


"not tagging for the renderer but for the visible map" is not very clear to me. Do you mean visible in the database?

(17 Dec '12, 22:19) aseerel4c26 ♦

Whenever youre using a GPS or PC youll get a map in your display, for your our eyes only. The database isnt visible and the renderer is only extracting the available data thats needed for a track or a routing process.

(17 Dec '12, 23:30) Hendrikklaas

Right. But we are not tagging for "the" renderer (because there are many and they evolve over time) - so we also are not tagging "for the visible map" as you say it; because the visible map a result of one renderer, isn't it? However, just a side-note to the question here.

(18 Dec '12, 01:55) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 16 Dec '12, 15:44

question was seen: 6,239 times

last updated: 07 Apr '15, 10:14

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