Hello, I am new to OSM and so would like to ask what are the steps to produce a map which includes contour lines using Open Mountain Bike Maps (http://openmtbmap.org/). One of the issues i have is that i'm no good at using the mkgmap program and frankly the wiki's seem to be written in a way not designed for newbs like myself to have a step by step process (never explain a doing thing!). Are there videos out there or some kind of graphical explanation? The task of learning seems quite daunting when i look at what i believe to be the process and the amount of data to absorb. Just the command line java seems a hurdle to me at this stage. I understand tiles, layers, DEM's etc but it's the process of putting it all together and having an end product that seems a hurdle......I am leaving on a 2 year trip to Europe next year and looking to save $800-$1,000 in maps purchase for my CompeGps Avantura which i can export them to. Thanks |
(I doubt that mkgmap would help you since it creates only maps for Garmin devices. Though you can convert files for Garmins to the compegps-format that would be IMO too much needless work.) Googling for "twonav osm create map" gives this as first result which looks quite helpful: Create your own vectorial OSM maps with Land. Thanks...... i'll give it a try
(16 Dec '12, 18:13)