I have recently added a way called Rue du Port in Gravelines near Dunkerque. I could only do it by drawing four sections and joining them - The combination looks OK, but the Search Feature shows the four different entries now for the one way. Is there any way I can edit the entries so that the search only finds the way once, or is it acceptable to leave it this way? Thanks Fred F.
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Hi Fred, next time you have a question - could you please provide a link to the way in question? Or to the position ("Permalink" on bottom right of the map page). That makes it easier to quickly understand your questions. I guess (via search) you mean that way: Permalink You created the way as it is usually done, good! Three parts:
As far as I know the name could be assigned to the street's parts also via a (one) relation - but that is more complicated and not as it is done usually. Just one (off topic) problem: the node http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2065700006 should be shared by the two street parts (included in both ways) if the street has no gap there. 1
Hello Aseerel Thanks for your speedy response and the advice re Permalink etc. I eventually managed to join the two ways together [I had thought I had already done so] but it took me a long time - In the end I had to redraw one of them to get the other to turn blue. All's well that ends well I suppose. Best Fred F. Not sure what you mean by voting - Can send me a separate message if it is important.
(14 Dec '12, 03:30)
Fred F
I did not mention "voting", did I? Maybe that was some automated mail(?) text from the system here? If yes, it may ask you to select an answer to your question as "solution" - if the question was answered to your satisfaction. The street is fine now. You mention that joining takes a long time - well, yes, not all actions are easy to understand. With more practice you will speed up. Have a look in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potlatch_2#How_to_use_Potlatch_2 (if you use the Potlatch2 editor).
(14 Dec '12, 13:57)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Hello Fred F, Slightly off topic. I hope you don't mind me pointing out that there is an untagged single node at http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2065698234 Looks like it was inadvertently placed, if so it should be deleted. Regards Bernard
Hello Bernard.
You have lost me there I'm afraid - Obviously my inexperience is showing through.
I can see the node showing up as a Blue Circle just when I use the link in your message, and its history has my 'fingerprints' all over it, but when I enter 'Edit Mode' I can only see the junction I made when I created that part of Rue du Port. - Help!
I clearly need some more tuition - is this the place to get it or should I be reading a manual or something.
I have a couple more questions about the entry but perhaps it would be best to clear up one thing at a time.
Fred F.
I think it is important that I get this right because as you might see from the Bing Photo' there is one of the CamperVan Aires running adjacent to Rue du Port and so a lot of people using the Map and the Way will not be local..
BTW Bernard - Catching up with you - O.A.P. next month - D.V.
Fred, please see https://help.openstreetmap.org/faq/ for which questions should be asked here and which preferably somewhere else.
Regarding http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/2065698234 - I cannot find or select it in Potlatch2, too. That is maybe a bug in Potlatch2. Somebody else (maybe in the other editor "JOSM") will delete it.
Hi, Yes I'm using JOSM, the node is now deleted. As an aside I couldn't get on with Potlatch when I started so I had a look at JOSM and have stuck with that. Heck of a lot to learn and the learning doesn't seem to stop! Regards Bernard.
BTW Catching up maybe, bet you won't overtake though! Voting is those thumbs up and down, not a necessity to take part.
Thank you both for your help - I will leave it there for now
One of the other questions I had was regarding the way which R. du P. runs off from. [http://osm.org/go/0ELAGJEIu-]
The name of the was wrong - I know that direct reference to other maps is verboten for verification, so I changed it and referenced the change to the WebSite of a Renault garage in that street. Hope this is OK -
Not sure how much in-put I can make, but am keen to do my bit as I hope to be using the OSM data for GPS navigation via PC Navigator Free and my Dongle.