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If you go here,

you'll see two road segments that need to be joined.

However, when you go into Potlatch 2, it's not possible to join them, because only one of the segments is shown!

What's going on here? If this is a bug, how would I submit a bug report?


asked 14 Dec '12, 01:23

gpspilot1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Dec '12, 02:31

cartinus's gravatar image



I confirm your observation. Also the eastern part is not visible in the data layer. 1. Maybe the eastern part was deleted in the meantime? 2. Maybe there is some bug due to the longitude of -179.99957 (at the wrap-over to 180°)? Potlatch1 does not even load at that point (error message: "Sorry - I can't get the map for that area. The server said: The latitudes must be between -90.0 and 90.0, and longitudes between -180.0 and 180.0").

(14 Dec '12, 02:18) aseerel4c26 ♦

Nice observation about the longitude. Here's another observation: the pinkish vertical way found at 180° has been incorrectly designated a "Coastline." Is that just a coincidence, or could that be related to the problem?

(16 Dec '12, 05:00) gpspilot1

This is indeed a nice bug. If you open the data layer west from the 180° wrapping you only see way 146443291 and if you open the data layer east you only see way 146798914. As Potlatch 1 and Potlatch 2 show a similar behavior the bug seems to be in the API.

I created a ticket for this issue.

edit: seems to be a known bug for several years.

permanent link

answered 14 Dec '12, 07:36

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 14 Dec '12, 08:29

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question asked: 14 Dec '12, 01:23

question was seen: 3,349 times

last updated: 16 Dec '12, 05:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum