I've been trying to create a local replica of the main OSM database for a few months now, and ran into all sort of problems. The most serious is a crash in osmosis when loading the full planet.osm into a PostgreSQL database, described here. I do run into this problem if I try to load a planet.osm file from September/2012, but NOT if I load a planet.osm file from ca. 01/Aug/2012. However, after the (august) planet.osm file is loaded, to setup the replication process, I need the state.txt file from some time before, but near, the age of the main planet.osm, and for that I tried to use the tool listed in the osmosis's documentation contained here. To my great surprise, there aren't any files from before 12/Sep/2012! This file has the first sequence number (000/000/001) so there is no way to access state.txt files from dates before that. My question (at last) is:
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by MCPicoli 19 Sep '13, 21:50
The old state files are available at http://planet.openstreetmap.org/cc-by-sa but we have changed the license between August and now, and you cannot legally take an old planet file and update it with new diffs. This would create a chimera that is of both the new and old licenses simultaneously. If you really wanted to make an Osmosis import of a current planet file without changing Osmosis, you could probably import all nodes first, and then in a second step prepare an .osc file that contains all the ways and relations and update your database with that. But before you do - are you absolutely sure that you need (a) the whole planet and (b) in APIDB format? Many people make an APIDB import only to find out later that they had been much better served by e.g. an imposm or osm2pgsql import. Thanks! Given that a database older than the license change would not be correctly updated, I'll not try to load the Aug/2012 file anymore. However, the problem (a.k.a. "crash") within osmosis persist. Onto the question of "why" having the full planet loaded in APIDB format, the answer is "because I can"... What is the point of the project being so "open", if one is not able to fully replicate it anywhere, anytime? Also, for me all the process, the troubles and the solutions are a huge tool for developing skills on the technologies involved and related.
(14 Dec '12, 11:16)