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I have installed osmconvert.exe, put it in the same folder as the .osm file, but now I can't figure out what code exactly to write to convert it to .csv (even though i've read the help pages) Ive been running the .exe file, then typing into the box: (taken from country.osm -o=country.csv ...or... country.osm --all-to-nodes -o=country.csv ..or... country.osm --all-to-nodes --csv="@id @lat @lon" -o=country.csv and many variations thereof. But none of these work, the box just disappears! What am I doing wrong? Thankyou :)

asked 13 Dec '12, 10:07

jas1405's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you create a pastebin with your exact typing and the exact output?

(13 Dec '12, 13:30) Sanderd17

Are you sure to have started osmconvert from the command line? The interactive user interface "Bert" is not able to handle .csv functions. Thus you better should not start osmconvert by doubleclick if you want to create .csv output.

Please open a command line window change into your directory (use "cd" command) and enter for example:

osmconvert country.osm --csv="@id @lat @lon name amenity" -o=country.csv

permanent link

answered 13 Dec '12, 21:18

Marqqs's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

many many thanks

(23 Apr '14, 08:48) say_hello_to...

can i apply this and - additionally get the tags for adress too

(23 Apr '14, 08:53) say_hello_to...

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question asked: 13 Dec '12, 10:07

question was seen: 13,982 times

last updated: 23 Apr '14, 10:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum