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Hi, I have added a linking road between Blowhole road and Ocean Esplanade at Blackmans Bay in Tasmania, Australia. In view mode, as I zoom in, at small scale, the road is there, but with no name, then the road disappears, then just the name appears, and then finally the road and name both appear at large scale. What have I done to the road to make it appear like that?

asked 12 Dec '12, 06:45

Greg%20Dutkowski's gravatar image

Greg Dutkowski
accept rate: 0%

hI? Permalink:

I do have the same problem. Modifications appears only with scales 3000 ft, 500 ft, 300 ft and 100 ft. Thanks

(01 Feb '13, 15:53) dOcPhG

@dOcPhG Do the answers that scai already linked to below work for you? The area in question looks OK to me.

(01 Feb '13, 17:18) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks, No, the below answer doesn't work for me as well. I'm glad to ear that it looks fine to you but the problem remains the same my side. Roads disappears at several scales except the ones already mentioned.

(01 Feb '13, 17:27) dOcPhG

Given that it works for me, it must be a browser or other cache problem at your end, then?

(01 Feb '13, 17:47) SomeoneElse ♦

Next time please provide a permalink to the area you are talking about.

Here everything seems fine. Did you clear your browser cache? Did you wait long enough for the changes to appear?

As each zoom level (and each tile on each zoom level) is rendered individually the behavior you are expiring is not unusual if either your cache is not clean or not all tiles have been rendered yet.

permanent link

answered 12 Dec '12, 07:32

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

… "clear your browser cache" usually is done like this: on the zoom level where the object disappears hit Ctrl+F5 (depends on the browser) on your keyboard to do a browser-cache-circumventing refresh of the map images

(19 Jan '14, 02:59) aseerel4c26 ♦

If you want to manually speed-up the process of redrawing tiles:

  • Right click on the tile to be refreshed.

  • Choose first option "visualize image" The single tile will be opened in a new tab.

  • In the address bar of the new tab you will read something like ""

Add, at the end of to this address, the string "/dirty" and visit the URL

(for example:

You will be redirected to the message "Tile submitted for rendering"

  • Now, clear your cache and go back to the map.

(tested with Firefox)

permanent link

answered 02 Feb '13, 09:21

gpstracks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It works perfectly now. Good trick! Thank you so much for your help. Regards

(02 Feb '13, 12:26) dOcPhG

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question asked: 12 Dec '12, 06:45

question was seen: 5,128 times

last updated: 19 Jan '14, 02:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum