Hi, looking at the basement of OSM and I came across a admin boundary, nosign of any cityname at all. I wonder and see it as a discrepancy ? Im new and told 'tag only what you see out there'. Is there anyone able to explain this ? |
You're not the first to ask the "why should admin boundaries be in OSM because we can't verify them on the ground". With regard to the second part of the question, that way is part of two admin boundary relations - Linschoten and Montfoort. You can click "advanced" in Potlatch 2 to see which multipolygons a way is part of. |
Could you provide a clickable link to it? It's possibly part of a relation (in which case it might not have any tags on it).
Hi SomeoneElse, this should do http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.06522&lon=4.9569&zoom=17&layers=M . The question was more fundamental, why tag an admin border ? Since a steadily hear tag what you see and not what you can’t see.
You've asked 57 questions so far without accepting a single answer. I strongly suggest to show more gratitude to the community.
Dear Scai, thanks for the hint, but a newbie doesn’t get many rules of engagement on OSM. And yes I mentioned it before as a lack of welcome for newbie’s. A short hint from Andy enlightened me, so yes I m working it out and rewarding the community. Greetz